2. Anomologinae
- Apodia martinii
- Aristotelia leonhardi
- Aristotelia montarcella
- Bryotropha aliterrella
- Bryotropha gallurella
- Bryotropha inexpectella
- Bryotropha pallorella
- Bryotropha plantariella
- Bryotropha sattleri
- Bryotropha tachyptilella
- Caulastrocecis furfurella
- Chrysoestia aletris
- Chrysoestia gaditella
- Deltophora gielsia
- Epiparasia incertella
- Eulamprotes ochricapilla
- Eulamprotes plumbella
- Psamathocrita dalmatinella
- Vadenia ribbeella
- Caulastrocecis gypsella
- Paranarsia joannisiella
- Megacraspedus tristicus
- Megacraspedus cuencellus
- Megacraspedus lanceolellus
- Megacraspedus pentheres
- Megacraspedus subdolellus
- Megacraspedus separatellus
- Megacraspedus tutti
- Megacraspedus dolosellus
- Chilopselaphus balneariellus
- Chilopselaphus fallax
- Aristotelia subdecurtella
- Aristotelia decurtella
- Aristotelia decoratella
- Aristotelia subericinella
- Aristotelia ericinella
- Aristotelia heliacella
- Aristotelia brizella
- Aristotelia frankeniae
- Aristotelia staticella
- Chrysoesthia drurella
- Chrysoestia eppelsheimi
- Chrysoestia atriplicella
- Chrysoesthia sexguttella
- Xystophora carchariella
- Xystophora pulveratella
- Pyncostola bohemiella
- Atremaea lonchoptera
- Isophrictis robinella
- Isophrictis meridionella
- Isophrictis invisella
- Isophrictis lineatellus
- Isophrictis kefersteiniellus
- Isophrictis striatella
- Isophrictis anthemidella
- Isophrictis corsicella
- Metzneria santolinella
- Metzneria tristella
- Metzneria lappella
- Metzneria luqueti
- Metzneria littorella
- Metzneria diffusella
- Metzneria ehikeella
- Metzneria metzneriella
- Metzneria aestivella
- Metzneria neuropterella
- Metzneria paucipunctella
- Metzneria tenuiella
- Metzneria hilarella
- Metzneria staehelinella
- Metzneria artificella
- Metzneria varennei
- Metzneria aprilella
- Metzneria intestinella
- Metzneria subflavella
- Ptocheuusa paupella
- Ptocheuusa inopella
- Ptocheuusa campicolella
- Apodia bifractella
- Psamathocrita osseella
- Argolamprotes micella
- Parapodia sinaica
- Monochroa rumicetella
- Monochroa tenebrella
- Monochroa conspersella
- Monochroa elongella
- Monochroa lutulentella
- Monochroa lucidella
- Monochroa arundinetella
- Monochroa suffusella
- Monochroa ferrea
- Monochroa hornigi
- Monochroa dellabeffai
- Monochroa cytisella
- Monochroa nigromaculella
- Monochroa palustrella
- Monochroa parvulata
- Eulamprotes wilkella
- Eulamprotes superbella
- Eulamprotes buvati
- Eulamprotes donskoffi
- Eulamprotes libertinella
- Eulamprotes helotella
- Eulamprotes parahelotella
- Eulamprotes unicolorella
- Eulamprotes atrella
- Eulamprotes nigritella
- Deltophora stictella
- Ornativalva plutelliformis
- Ornativalva pseudotamariciella
- Gladiovalva rumicivorella
- Bryotropha sp.
- Bryotropha basaltinella
- Bryotropha umbrosella
- Bryotropha affinis
- Bryotropha similis
- Bryotropha mundella
- Bryotropha senectella
- Bryotropha dufraneella
- Bryotropha boreella
- Bryotropha galbanella
- Bryotropha arabica
- Bryotropha figulella
- Bryotropha desertella
- Bryotropha terrella
- Bryotropha politella
- Bryotropha domestica
- Bryotropha saralella
- Bryotropha dryadella
- Bryotropha mulinoides
- Bryotropha plebejella
- Monochroa melagonella

carte de répartition de Isophrictis robinella (Chrétien, 1907)
Sur le site
Isophrictis robinella Identification des chenilles
Isophrictis robinella Lépidoptères du Poitou-Charentes
Isophrictis robinella Identification des papillons
Isophrictis robinella Observations archivées
Sur le Web
Le site du GRETIA
JPEG Je ne saurais que trop vous conseiller l’ouvrage du Groupe d’Etude des Invertébrés Armoricains sur les Pyrales de la Manche. A retrouver sur le site pour le commander.
Oreina, un magazine sur les papillons de France
Oreina est un nouveau magazine consacré exclusivement aux Lépidoptères (papillons) de France JPEG
Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa
A large iconographic sample of European moths and butterflies, including larvae and pupae JPEG
UKMoths | Guide to the moths of Great Britain and Ireland
JPEG Site très complet sur les papillons nocturnes du Royaume-Unis
Membre actif du RPAPN : http://www.biodiversite-poitou-charentes.org/